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Root Canal Treatment: After-Care & Treatment Results

Among all dental treatments, most patients are scared of undergoing a root canal treatment. It is generally believed that the treatment causes a lot of pain & usually ends up giving an individual a swollen face.

Well, this is not always the case. A root canal treatment may sometimes give you a swelling on your face, but that is likely to vanish very soon with the right medication. On the other hand, the treatment does not cause pain, but relieves one from the pain tooth infection or decay causes.

However, the slightest pain that a patient can feel post-treatment can be controlled by medication and proper care.

Here are some steps to take care after and during RCT:

  • Take Medication: The swelling & pain, if caused, will ease with proper medication only. The medication recommended by dentists will heal the wound cause during treatment and ease the discomfort. A patient must not stop the intake of medicine unless suggested to do so.

  • Avoid Hard & Chewy Food: This will be the first instruction your dentists will give you as soon as your treatment finishes. Hard & chewy food can damage the outer filling of the teeth, thus leading to complications. Try to consume liquid and light food for the best output.

  • Brush & Floss Gently: Being gentle with brushing and flossing in the initial few weeks of RCT is necessary. If this precaution is not followed, an individual may end up with increased pain as it can destroy the outer filling done by the dentist.

  • Get A Crown Placed: In the time of a few weeks; a dentist will suggest an RCT patient to get a crown placed. This crown will prevent the teeth from all future dental problems. Getting a crown is highly recommended as it adds up the layer of protection that is very much required.

An RCT can be very beneficial in improving the oral health condition of a patient suffering from infected teeth. After this treatment and getting crown (which is usually included in root canal treatment cost); a patient saves his/her teeth from the infection that can be passed from one tooth to another.

We hope this blog was informative for all readers. For more information visit Clove Dental or call us at 9667353232

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