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Important Facts About Dental Implants

Nowadays, every other person is suffering from a missing tooth. This can be due to reasons like the tooth is decayed, or naturally fallen out, or an underlying infection present. But have you ever thought of replacing the missing tooth? Nowadays, there are several options available for the missing tooth. The old school methods like dental bridges, dentures or the new methods like dental implants. In professional language is known as an endosseous implant or fixture. Endosseous simply means inside the bone. When you visit a dental clinic near me, you get a more thorough knowledge about a dental implant. Modern-day dental implants rely on the underlying bone for its retention. It works on the principle of osseointegration. It is composed of two parts, a root part made of titanium screws and a crown part made of tooth-colored materials. Here are some facts about dental implants that might help you make the right decision.

  • A dental implant looks and feels like natural teeth

Dental implants are the fixed entity placed at the position of the missing tooth with complete restoration of its functionality. Once the dental implant is placed into the jawbone, it makes an incredibly strong bond that mimics the natural tooth's strength and durability. Unlike dentures, they do not slip while eating or chewing. The person can have a natural eating and chewing experience.

  • Implant placement is safe and less invasive

A dental implant is known to have the highest success rate. It is a permanent replacement option and does not require much post-operative care. The dental implant surgery is done in three stages. The titanium screw or post is placed into the jawbone in the first dental visit and left for 3 months. All this while the bone around the implant grows and holds it tightly. Then an abutment is placed over the titanium post. This is the anchor between the post and the crown. Then in the final dental visit, a prosthesis is placed, made up of natural tooth-colored material. Mostly ceramic or porcelain are considered materials for this job. Anyone with good oral health and has enough jawbone is a good candidate.

  • A dental implant also provides good health benefits

Besides the cosmetic purpose served by the dental implant, it also has good health benefits. Food like crunchy fruits and vegetables, nuts, or chewy meat is always hard to chew with a missing tooth or a denture. The denture can only restore 20-25% strength of natural teeth, but a dental implant holds as much strength as a natural tooth. Implant patients can always maintain a balanced and healthy diet.

  • A dental implant works as a shield against bone loss

The most common consequence of tooth loss is bone loss. When a tooth is lost, the bone beneath it starts resorbing at an increased pace. There are significant changes evident in the height, width and shape of the jawbone. This alteration affects the tooth in the mouth and causes changes in the facial structures. A dental implant is the replacement of a natural tooth. The titanium post placed in the bone and the crown placed above it all restore, mimic the natural tooth. Thus dental implants preserve the jaw bone and significantly reduce jaw bone resorption.

  • Postoperative care is easy

Some aftercare is always necessary after every dental procedure. But many people have a myth that implant is an invasive procedure and always takes a lot of post-operative care. But this is not true. Prescribe medications, light food for a few days, and a warm saline gargle are all you need for a healthy recovery.

Dental implants not only replace the missing tooth but can also be used as an orthodontic anchor in some patients. Nowadays, they are preferred on a wider scale. Esthetics are preserved, functions are restored, and the patients can smile without any insecurities. Nothing is more beautiful than a healthy and complete smile.

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