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Root Canal in Children: All you Need to Know

A root canal is a dental procedure that is done to remove the infectious pulp from the tooth. This pulp contains blood vessels and nerves that fill the tooth roots. Conditions like cavities, abscesses, or tooth injury can lead to the need for a root canal in children. It not only saves the milk teeth but also gives it a natural fallout.

What Happens During a Root Canal Procedure?

You see, a root canal is a complex procedure that requires a lot of precision. If you are planning to go for a root canal treatment in Delhi, make sure you consult the best pediatric dentist for your child.

The dentist will first examine the area with the help of X-rays. He will then administer local anesthesia to numb the area. The next step is to drill a hole in the tooth crown to access the root canal and pulp.

With the help of extraction tools, the dentist will then remove all the infectious pulp. Once all the diseased pulp is taken out, the dentist will open the root canal. A germ-killing liquid will be used to disinfect the area. The root canal will then be left to dry.

And afterward, it will be filled with a dental filling. The tooth will be sealed with a permanent or temporary crown.

What Happens After a Root Canal?

The child might feel some pain or swelling in the area after the procedure is done. Dentists generally give antibiotics and painkillers to cure them. However, make sure you understand the things your child can eat or drink post root canal. Please note that the temporary crown needs to be replaced with a permanent one after 1 week.

Risks Associated with Root Canal in Children

  • The cleaning anti-germ fluid can enter nearby tissues and lead to swelling, infection, and bruising.

  • At times, the tip of the dental tool can also get stuck in the baby’s root canal.

  • The germs can enter the mouth of the child, in case the root is not properly filled and sealed.

Post Root Canal Care

  • Make sure you inform your dentist in case of bleeding gums post-procedure. He will suggest you the best bleeding gums treatment.

  • Indulge your child in fun games and other activities to divert his mind from pain and swelling.

  • Good oral hygiene is extremely crucial post root canal.

  • Giving medicines regularly and giving nutritious food will help in faster recovery.

This was all about root canal procedures in children. Regular dental checkups will not only prevent any such procedure in the future but will also keep a check on possible dental issues.

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