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Brown Spots On Teeth: Causes & Prevention Highlighted!

There’s nothing like a sparkling white smile but sometimes, brown spots or stains ruin the teeth appearance and becomes a matter of concern. Luckily, there’s plenty of treatment available that can help bring your beautiful smile back. Well, there are multiple reasons such as tartar buildup and others that causes brown stains or discolouration. So, let’s have a look at the causes, symptoms, and prevention suggested by a dental surgeon that cause brown stains.

Let’s explore them one by one…

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What Causes Brown Spots?

  • Foods & Drinks

Dark coloured foods and drinks that contain chemicals such as chromogens and other chemicals stain tooth enamel. With times, these brown spots become permanent and start discolouring the teeth.

  • Genetics

Brown spots or tooth discolouration do not only happen because of the foods we eat or drinks we consume. Sometimes brown spots happen due to genetics as well. Other genetics factors include -

  1. Wear and tear exposed to enamel

  2. Hereditary conditions

  3. Strength of tooth enamel

  4. Improper bone and tooth formation

  • Tooth Decay

Improper cleaning of teeth develops plaque and tartar that eats the sugar passing through the mouth. This further produces acids and weaken enamel. Due to this, the yellowish layers of a tooth become more apparent.

  • Ageing

With age, the white enamel protecting the teeth starts degrading and expose the layer of yellow dentin underneath. This natural process leads to yellowish-brown spots or large patches.

  • Fluorosis

Too much fluoride stains enamel, especially, in little ones of 8 years old or less. This discolouration is further known as fluorosis which appears as a white or greyish layer across the teeth. In extreme cases, fluorosis causes dark spots and stains.

How to Prevent Brown Stains?

One of the easiest ways to prevent brown stains or spots on the teeth is by practising better oral hygiene. The following are some of the tips that can help you prevent brown stains -

  • Floss once a day before going to bed.

  • Brush the teeth after eating, especially, when you’ve consumed meals with a high amount of sugar or chromogens.

  • If you consume nicotine or tobacco products, stop eating them.

  • Use a fluoride-based mouthwash daily.

  • Use fluoride toothpaste and brush the teeth for at least 2 minutes twice a day.

  • Schedule dental appointments every 3 months.

  • Use a straw while intaking beverages.

These are some of the things to follow that will definitely help you stay away from unwanted brown stains and spots on your teeth. Along with this, keeping a check on things to avoid will help you maintain a sparkling white smile for a long.

Foods to Avoid to Prevent Brown Stains

1. Coffee & tea

2. Sugary foods & drinks

3. Artificial colouring foods

4. Wine and dark liquors

5. Citrus fruits

6. Dark sauces and dark fruit juices

These are some of the foods and drinks that you should avoid consuming to prevent discolouration. Along with this, consuming green leafy vegetables, high-fibre fruits, whole grains, nuts, and cereals help you keep your teeth healthy and away from stains and spots.

Apart from keeping these aforementioned tips in mind, it is also advisable to schedule a dental appointment in the best dental hospital in Hyderabad, or your nearest clinic so that professional can keep an eye on your dental condition. Do not delay anymore, instead, book your appointment today.

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