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Are Dental Implants the Right Option with Severe Bone Loss? Know Here!

Dental implants are one of the most popular missing teeth replacement options that offer patients a ray of hope to smile again. Dental implants generally work efficiently with the existing part of the body, especially, the jaw bone and gum tissue. So, if a patient has significant bone loss, the treatment becomes quite complicated as there is no proper support left that ensures proper assimilation of dental implants. So, the question is, does severe jawbone loss make dental implants in Pune or somewhere else hopeless? Is getting dental implants the right choice with severe bone loss?

If you too are having such questions, this article has the answer to them, so give it a read…

Best Ways to Restore Bone Density Before Getting Dental Implants

In the previous times, patients can only get dental implants if they have sufficient bones, but with the technological and medical field advancement now patients can get implants even with severe bone loss. Now there are few dental procedures available to restore bone density before getting dental implants.

1. Grafting

During grafting, a low-thickness or damaged bone is joined with bone matter from another part of the body. Step-by-step, the two matters fused together to reestablish a specific measure of strength and density to the damaged bone.

For dental implants, professionals can take bone material from a patient's body such as hip bones, or different pieces of the jawbone and graft it wherever needed to support dental implants. Once the jawbone recaptures sufficient density, the dentists securely fix the new dental implants to the area.

2. Zygomatic Implants

Another alternative to restore bone density is zygomatic implants. This procedure is performed to anchor the implant in the zygoma bone that is a part of the jawbone near the cheek and has a high density. This procedure does not involve the reapplication or redistribution of outside bone matter like that of bone grafting. Also, the procedure does not take much time as bone grafts which takes up to six to twelve months for recovery. A patient with zygomatic implants takes up to four months to get recovered.

Lack of bone density is definitely a hindrance to getting dental implants but now it is possible to repair the issues of insufficient jawbone support and place implants properly. With the advancement in technology and medical science, now every dental treatment is possible be it about getting painless root canal treatment in Bangalore or dental implants with severe bone loss. So, do not worry about the process, instead, visit the best dental clinic having experienced professionals and get the quality treatment that you deserve.

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