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Myths about Having Braces Busted

Are you suffering from any teeth deformities? If yes, braces can be the right corrective treatment for you. It is a popular dental treatment option that is used to correct unaligned, uneven, and crooked teeth.

This treatment has advanced leaps and bounds over the past few years. Still, it is subjected to several myths and notions. People are still unsure and apprehensive about wearing braces in their daily lives.

Let’s have a look at the top five myths and the truth behind them:

  • Braces cause intense pain Many dental patients fear braces assuming that they might pain while straightening teeth. You see, the majority of the braces contain elastic bands that are tightened periodically to correct the teeth alignment. Your dentist will take your opinion before finally tightening the band. You might feel slight discomfort in the first initial days, but the instances of excruciating pains are rare.

  • Forget regular eating with braces on You need to keep your braces clean for the best corrective results. Therefore, the dentist suggests removing them while eating sticky, sugary, and strong-flavoured food items. It doesn’t mean that you need to change your regular diet after wearing braces. All you need to do is keep them clean all the time.

  • Braces are uncomfortable and look unattractive Who so ever has started this was probably unaware of the advancements and changes braces have undergone in the past few years. It is natural to feel a temporary difference for some days with braces, but it will go away soon. Talking about its aesthetic appearance, opt for invisible or Invisalign braces that are hard to identify and will look like natural teeth. Make sure you consult your doctor about the current Invisalign cost in India before starting the treatment.

  • Teeth will remain permanently straight after removing the braces Unfortunately, this is a myth that needs to be busted. Although braces are one of the most effective dental procedures, your teeth can still be vulnerable to issues. Regular dental consultation can prevent the recurrence of dental issues.

  • Braces are for children and the teenagers It is one of the most common myths one can come across. You see, there are several braces options for every age bracket. School going children can go for metal braces, whereas college students and adults can opt for clear braces. In other words, anyone suffering from teeth deformities can and should wear braces to correct it.

These are the top five myths about braces. Patients must focus on correcting their dental deformities as soon as possible. Unnecessary delays can aggravate the issue leading to unfortunate consequences.

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